Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Things have been pretty hectic and reason number one why I haven't blogged in awhile. Let's see Labor started on May 2, 2012 at 4:30pm with contractions being 5 minutes apart and by 7pm they started coming at 4 minutes apart. I called the md on call about 8:15pm and she told me to go to hospital and they would check me from there. We got to the hospital and that is when James became nervous and was trying to hurry the ER up and he initially wanted to go straight to Labor and Delivery but I reassured him that we had to go through ER first before we could go up there. When I got to Labor and Delivery they checked me and contractions were still at 4 minutes apart and I was only a 1 so when she contacted md, the md had me to walk for an I walked for an hour no progression and by this time it was 11pm. The doctor decided to admit me and would check with me in the morning. Morning came and Dr. Tidwell came in now progression and since I was at 40 weeks she went ahead and broke my water and started IVs and Pitocin. By the way I LOVED THE EPIDURAL ( WOULD RECOMMEND TO ANYONE)! By 6pm Dr. Tidwell came back and I was maybe a 4 and she didn't like how I was progressing and figured it was time to do a C Section since Miss Elizabeth needed some help entering the world. C Section wasn't what I wanted but she would have never came otherwise because she was lodged. At 7:02pm on May 3, 2012! I can't explain but the best sound in the world was hearing her cry. They brought her over to me after they checked her out then off they went to the nursery for clean up and etc. Of course I could tell James didn't know whether to stay with me or go but he did go with the baby and this little girl has him right where she wants him. We are doing great and hard to believe she will be three weeks old tomorrow. The time really passes by so quick. I have attached pictures of her below.
James behind me as we are headed to the OR.
Elizabeth Mai Bleick has arrived!
Proud Parents!
My favorite picture out of her pictures that the hospital did!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

36 Weeks and Nursery!

Well I am officially in the 9th month. I am as ready as I am going to be for Elizabeth's arrival. Got my bag packed and will be officially in whatever car no matter where I am at by Easter! I still crave pizza and lately milk but the milk helps ALOT with the severe heartburn. I feel alot of pressure and I am officially waddling as of 35 weeks! I think my coworkers get a kick of me going up and down those steps but it really has helped me just by being able to do it and will continue to until she pops out. I can finally say we are done with her nursery! I have posted pics and sorry that I am so late doing these but March as you have already read was a crazy month and April isn't going to be any less crazy. Starting on the 9th I start going to weekly appointments and excited about the 16th b/c I get to see our baby girl and make sure she is in head down position (which believe me I believe she is and to make a long story short she has turned..kind of freaky)! I hope that you enjoy the pictures that I have posted below and will keep you informed of progress.

36 Weeks!

Elizabeth's crib


Wall with window

Chester Drawer and Closet

These next pictures are just of various pictures or signs on her walls:

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Baby Showers

It has been a busy March for us in the Bleick household. We had two showers one on March 17, 2012 at my mother in law's house given by her, Allie and Ashley Gilbert. It was so beautifully done and I appreciate all the hard they did to make it all happen. Everyone had a blast. The next shower was on March 31, 2012 and I had 55 people to sign the book but I think there was alot more at the shower than who all signed the book. It was given by family and friends at Salem Baptist Church. We really got a lot of great stuff and we already have one rotten little girl. I have listed below the pictures from the various showers. A busy busy month in March. James even got so excited that he pushed the stroller (of course a Jeep stroller that he registered for) we got around the house and tried to get Pepper to get in so he could test drive it. He also put a hooded towel on his head. He will make a great daddy and we are so grateful to have so many family and friends that get to share this special time with us!

Me at the March 17th shower.

James's mom, me, and my mom at the shower on March 17th!

James's grandma and me at the shower on March 17th!

Allie and me

me, Ava Bug, and Ashley

Cake at the shower on March 31st.

me and James with my parents at the March 31st Shower!

Pic one of three of all the gifts

Pic two of three of all the gifts

Pic three of three of all the gifts

James with hooded towel on his head

Sunday, March 11, 2012

WEEK 32!

On Thursday I began Week 32! Only about 8 weeks left if she goes to 40 weeks. Along with this I am beginning to have bad heartburn. Tums are my new best friend. It is starting to get hard getting up and down when sitting down and doesn't take much for me to get out of breath. Elizabeth loves to hear her daddy's voice and loves for you to read or play music to her. We have had an eventful weekend and more to come throughout March. Every weekend here on out is slam packed but all fun! My great sister in law bought me some dresses for my showers and really has been great! I don't really think of her as much like a sister in law because she is more like a sister. I am hoping to Have her nursery complete in the next couple of weeks. Can't wait to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy as much as I can.

The cute castle that I found at Hobby Lobby and her curtains in her nursery are done!

Sign over her closet door that says "Wish Upon a Star".

James and I at the Keske Wedding on Saturday!

The Bleick Siblings at the Keske Wedding! James, me, Allie, and Matthew.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Elizabeth's Crib Bedding and 30 weeks!

My mom and dad purchased Elizabeth's bedding and curtains that we had picked out and it arrived yesterday by Fed Ex. We immediately washed her bedding because I wanted to see it in her bed. However we do not have the curtains put up but will by the weekend.I had my 30 week appointment today and it went great! Elizabeth is already proving she is my child. She let Judy listen to her heartbeat then she decided to move and as Judy moved with her to continue to listen Elizabeth decided to fight back and kicked at the machine. It was funny. Judy went to measure me and I am measuring right on track. She also was feeling to see how Elizabeth was laying and she is not sure exactly where head and bottom is but figured out she is more to my right side in a half moon shape. My blood pressure is great and she was so proud of my weight. As of today I have only gained 10.5 lbs. I went yesterday to see a friend's baby at the hospital and we were all sitting around talking while I was holding Carly, Carly started grinning and we realized that Elizabeth had started kicking and it was right where Carly's bottom was. It was too funny guess she is jealous already. I have posted pictures below of the bedding in her crib and will post more as we finish the nursery!

Her Bedding!

From the inside!

One without the lamp on!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hello Third Trimester!

Well I am 28 weeks today and still can't believe how the time has flew by! I remember the terrible first trimester with all the morning sickness (all day sickness rather)and I enjoyed my second trimester! Now since I am entering my third trimester I am starting to experience major heartburn (oh yes again..dealt with it bad in first trimester as well), peeing constantly (again), and losing sleep (yet again). Not complaining it could be much worse and I have dealt with much worse. I get so excited for Elizabeth to move around. She decides to do this mainly at night. Elizabeth also loves to hear her daddy's voice. He has figured out that if he yells ROLL TIDE at my stomach she will kick the hell out of me. I wish she would do that for GO DAWGS and I haven't lost hope yet on that. I also found out she loves to listen to music..I know I have to change ALOT of what I listen to once she is here but I enjoy having this special mommy time that only I can have. I had a doctor's appointment today with Dr. Tidwell and all is great. I had labs before appointment and let me tell you THANK YOU ASHLEY GILBERT for giving me a heads up on that NASTY glucola drink. It was exactly as she described but I got it down. I have gained a total of 8lbs so far and measuring exactly 28 weeks. Elizabeth's heartbeat is really strong too. Also Johnnie gave Elizabeth her first Piggy bank and went to all the trouble of finding it a tiara. So far so good and I have posted pics below! Can't wait to meet our little girl!

Me at 28 Weeks!

Elizabeth's First Piggy Bank with Tiara!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

26 Weeks!

On Thursday January 26, 2012 I reached 26 weeks! WOW time is really flying by! Exactly at 25 weeks Elizabeth Mai Bleick decided she wanted to show her daddy that she was really in her mommy's tummy! James was poking around playing on the computer so he missed her kicks. The next morning however she was going strong and he got to feel her moving. I am trying to enjoy this time with her because I know I will have other moments with my baby girl once she is born but this is mainly my time to bond with her in a way I will not be able to once she is here. I have been sick all this week and started really feeling better today except for the congestion but I think it is going to stay with me from now on. I had bought a box of Strawberry cake mix and some strawberry icing and it was in the pantry and I forgot that I bought it so today I got this craving for cupcakes! So I got up and made some cupcakes. Also I think I have begin part of my nesting stage because by Saturday at 11:30am I had cleaned the entire house (except office for other reasons) ceiling to floor! Well that is the latest update. I have posted a picture of the cupcakes!

Me at 24 weeks!

The Yummy Strawberry cupcakes with sprinkles!